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هرکه طا لب حق بود من حاضرم     ز ابتدا تا انتها يک د م برم    طا لب بيا طا لب بيا طا لب بيا    تار سانم روز اول با خدا

hazrat sultan bahu books
abyat e bahoo برہانالواسلین  شہبازلا مکاں  سلطان العارفین  سلطان الفقر مرشد حق   سخی سلطان   شہنشاہ   مرشد نورالہدی   حق با ہو   قدس سرہ العزیز
abyat e bahu شہنشاہ دوجہان  محبوب رب العالمین  احمد مجتبی  نوراللہ  محمد مصطفی  صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم  کے نام     سروری قادری سلسلہ محبوب سبحانی حضور غوث اعظم حضرت شیخ سید عبدالقادر جیلانی قدس سرہ العزیز کا اصل سلسلہ طریقت ہے
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majalisat un nabi

majalisat un nabi

majalisat un nabi Majalisat un Nabi by Hazrat Sultan bahu

Sultan bahu in his book Majalisat un Nabi says that the Lord of the universe 'Allah' the Noor of the universe either the sky or the earth. He provides this light and Noor to those He wishes. Indeed he knows the best and knowledgeable. Entire creatures born into from the miracle of Noor. Indeed the Lord is the sustainer of the creatures. The lord even claims that there is not even a beast and the sustenance totally depends on Almighty Allah. Allah sent the messengers and provide them with guidance along with the truth of religion that in consequence it dominates over the other false religions. Certainly the benefit of all the text those people who will use to study it regularly day as well as the night such a person loses the want of any outwardly existing Murshid (guide or teacher). Thus occurrences of entire place and destinations stations as strata even revealed unto that and now curtain lasts in between whatever is present or exist in this Majalisat un Nabi book with the ability of Lord. Marifat is the secrets of mysteries of Allah granted to Prophet S.A.W of the lord. Furthermore it is stated that Arif is that person who always chains the neck of intoxicated Devils Nafs with the chain of Worship and servitude of Allah and keeps it in the confinement of Fanaa-Fi-Allah. After this that person becomes Roshan-Zamir and dominates Nafs. There are five stations: station of Nafi Station of Asbaat Station of Visualization of the name of Allah Almighty Station of reciting the Holy Quran Station of reciting the Dua-e-Saifi. During reciting Kalimah-e-tayyib; saying Laaa-Ilaha Nafi is realized.Nafs become dead and the inner soul nourishes. Saying Ill-Allahu the person (Faqeer) is Drowned in Wahdat. Such a person fears of Allah and he cannot hurt anyone. Saying Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Allah Hazoori is achieved. Thus continuous and deep recitation of Kalimah-e-tayyib gives Sawab and the person reaches unto the highest degrees as well as he gains the supreme blessings of Allah Almighty. Furthermore Hazrat Sultan Bahu stated that there is no better elixir for the heart than Kalimah-e-Tayyeb. When the person gets rid of both the Satanic sins and the desires of Nafs then he becomes close to Allah Almighty.

Getting knowledge (Iim) is really a delight in order to decrease Nafs and the name Allah and Zikr and Fikr Drowning and Istaghraaq Marifat of 'Ill-Allahu' and muraqibaand does become attentive towards the Hazoori of Majlis of Muhammad (S.A.W). Muhammad S.A.W can lock up the Nafs and puts it in Muhaasba. Being the favorite of Allah one should stay away from Shawat and Zana (adultery) and the desire of Nafs should be avoided.

There are four things in a human body: Nafs Qalb Ruh and sir of Almighty Evolver. Nafs is recognized by Sensual-Desire in which there are worldy desires and wishes as well as Qalb is recognized by Zikr of Lord in which the person totally lose himself and he has continuous reciting the name of Allah. Just like this sir is recognized by Mushahida of Marifat of Allah Almighty.

Allah is the only one who can dominate over everything He can domineer upon Nafs and does His Muhaasba in the right way. Although Justice has two forms. One is outward Equity (which means a justice of Qazi and Shadow of Allah and the law of Shariah). The other one is inward Equity (which means people are accountable for the deeds of Nafs).

Indeed the genuine Muhaasba of Nafs is the Zikr and Fikr. Prophet S.A.W said that 'Fikr of an hour is superior to the worship of both-the-Worlds'. Satan (the evil) has been imposed on you by Allah and if you avoid satan but still fight with other persons wasted your time. Remember! Without Ilm (knowledge) Fiqr is Condemnable. There are steps in it. First the person seeks knowledge and then intends for Fiqr if he wants benefits because there is no room for Jahil near Allah almighty. The things/ talks/topics (anything) rejected by Shariat is Kufr. Continuous Zikr of Kalimah-e-Tayyeb becomes the source and guides as well as Ism-e-Azam is the secret of Mysteries of the Mushahida of the Sustainer. The continuous Zikr of Allah activates the five senses of Inward and outward deactivates. Thus the inwardly Eyes become wakeful.

And when the Qalb has become wakeful (and enlightened) in a dream in this way the tongue comes into action and utters clearly 'Yaa Allah Yaa Allah Yaa Allah'. Thus Allah Almighty feels pride in such a person and when the heart has turned to be alive the Nafs dies. Indeed there are four birds: The Cock of Shahwat The Pigeon of Desire (air) The Peacock of Pomp (water) and The Rooster of Greed (and grasping) [soil]. Here is advice that stays with those people who call on their Allah every time seeking His countenance and let not your eyes overlook them desiring the pomp and filter of the world; stay away from those people who have made neglectful of Allah’s remembrance. Remember! The person who follows his own greed and whose deeds are worst then is lost (18:28).

Certainly the person who withdraws and becomes close to Satan; reaches the station of Iblees (Satan) curse upon Satan. Furthermore Noori tajalli is said to be the first tajalli that came into existence from the Holy light (Noor) of Allah subhantala. even the second one is tajalli of Naar which means Fire and the purpose of the fire is to produce anger and anxiety along with greed and lust sins and evil too. So here are one million seventy thousand and thirty-seven stations for those persons of Allah who controls (manages to) come out of these stations reaches the Wilayat of Wali-Allah. As Allah is the light of heavens and the Earth that Noor cannot be 'shut' like ordinary light. That person is not truthful in his claim who does not express thanks on pain from his Lord and who does not forget the pain in the Mushahida of his Lord. Remember! A truthful person hides the faults and secrets of others and the Nafs if non-muslims (kuffar) are full of greed jealousy anger vindictiveness (Keena) and bad blood telling lies killing and blood-shedding and always remaining indulged in the Kufr and Shirk.

In the last ruh contains only two forms: Impure (unholy) Ruh and the second one are Pure (which means holy) Ruh. The Ruh of Kuffar and hypocrites are impure and the Ruh of Muslim (Momin) is pure (Holy). And thus many a pure Ruh from Muslims enter paradise without accountability. There is a concept of Pir and Mureed. The peer doesn’t allow his Mureed to eat haram or to do bad sin and due to the good and holy company of that pir the Mureed avoids and vanishes all the bad deeds and he becomes close to Allah in that way. The murshid first counts the hair of the Mureed and cut seven hair(from the body) with a scissor because by these seven hairs the seven kinds of effectiveness do have an impact on the body.

Greed jealousy arrogance and vanity vanishes Mureed’s worldly Nafs become dead Mureed becomes Roshan-Zamir the slumber of ignorance goes away from his body and the seventh effect is that his fourteen Tabqaat of the heavens and earth becomes clear on him along with the Loh-e-Mahfooz should remain in his study. Such a Pir is said to be the Murshid-e-Kamil otherwise the Pir is Barber.

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Majalsatul Nabi
Majalisat un Nabi Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
Majalis At un Nabee Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aa-alaihi Wa-sallam
Majalis At un Nabee Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aa-alaihi Wa-sallam
Majalisat un Nabi
majaalis un nabi
Majalisat ul Nabi

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