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sultan bahoo

هرکه طا لب حق بود من حاضرم     ز ابتدا تا انتها يک د م برم    طا لب بيا طا لب بيا طا لب بيا    تار سانم روز اول با خدا

hazrat sultan bahu books
abyat e bahoo برہانالواسلین  شہبازلا مکاں  سلطان العارفین  سلطان الفقر مرشد حق   سخی سلطان   شہنشاہ   مرشد نورالہدی   حق با ہو   قدس سرہ العزیز
abyat e bahu شہنشاہ دوجہان  محبوب رب العالمین  احمد مجتبی  نوراللہ  محمد مصطفی  صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم  کے نام     سروری قادری سلسلہ محبوب سبحانی حضور غوث اعظم حضرت شیخ سید عبدالقادر جیلانی قدس سرہ العزیز کا اصل سلسلہ طریقت ہے
sultan bahu poetry
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ganj ul asrar

ganj ul asrar

ganj ul asrar Sultan-ul-ArifeenHazratSakhi Sultan Bahoo inscribes Ganj ul Asrar. This Persian text carries a real meaning that is "The Treasure of Divine Secrets." Unlike the other Persian writers Sultan Bahoo never develops the idea out of Sufism and the Mysticism; instead he focuses on the "Farq". Sultan Bahoo outlines the belief at the opening that Allah is the omnipresent and unfading divine beings that have no substitution in the Universe "He is The All-Hearing and The All-Seeing". The monotheistic belief about Allah is established in the opening which unveils his super charismatic feature that any Non-Muslim can be inspired through.

The thought of self-denial is highlighted in the backdrop of Ganj ul Asrar. The self-sacrificing of FaqeerBahoo is glorified because he is associated with Allah and becomes the ultimate follower of the Qadri Order. The abandonment of human desire is how to achieve the true spirituality that Sultan Bahoo mentions in the course. The "Divine Knowledge" is constituted through the several layers of faith and belief. One who prays to Allah and keeps the recollection of it empowers themselves with the knowledge. But before reaching the final destination the seekers of Allah have to gain understanding through different stages. To define the stages Arabic words like "Zikr" "Majzoob" and "Tareeqat" have been used.

Sultan Bahoo has addressed worldly greed as the poisonous thing and that the seeker could get redemption from the constant prayer to Allah and seek spiritual knowledge. This human greed has been recorded as evil in nature. Sultan Bahoo's teachings and guide have suggested the one truth above all is to seek the blessings and the knowledge from unfading Allah. The focus on the "Divine Knowledge" gets justice if it is followed with honesty.

The Qadri believers are uppity holders with complete faith in their hearts. Sultan Bahoo has been the apostles of Shah Meeran. The Qadri never contradicts the other belief. The monotheism and their persistent belief in the same make them come close with the divines of the knowledge. This is how these believers of Qadri unlock the jewel of "Divine Secrets and Knowledge." The believers of Allah know how precious the journey could be. The magnanimity lies in the fact of gaining these divine secrets and in this process human beings need to make their identities invisible so that they cannot exhibit arrogance or boast in the process of knowing Allah.

The Qadri has a sublime meaning and that separates those human beings who have been exploited their energy in the world. The slightest of fatigue can topple the entire thing and can dismiss any knowers from being the lower level Qadri ardent. Complete devotion to Allah is the only way of redemption and other than that everything seems redundant. The worldly wicked things cannot even touch the Qadri apostles because their relentless devotion and sacrifices make them reach the stage nearer to Allah. To summation to the book Ganj ul Asrar the main idea of the spiritual gaining needs to be conveyed and this is possible only through practicing the prayers to the Allah.

Ganj ul Asrar
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