kashf ul asrar

Kashf ul asrar written by Sultan Bahu is spiritual in itself as depicted through the rich and nourishing teachings. This is boosted further by English translation. Translation aids those that are not Muslims as well as Muslims in understanding information contained in the Persian Text.
In her preface defines kashf ul asrar as how Divine Secrets are reveled spiritually. Hazrat Sultan Bahu saw the importance of sharing and talking about Divine Secrets to everybody. Despite being a tiny book its contents are voluminous in nature and unending.
This book provides a detailed overview of the early life of Sultan Bahu. The Biography explores how his birth during 1039 H 1630 A. D- early in the morning during the reign of Emperor Shah Jahan. Being born to Bibi Rasti who was Saintly in nature propelled Bahu spirituality form the day of his birth.
Indeed he proceeded alongside his grandparent’s spiritual past. Bahu status that belonged to Fana-Fi-Hoo literally meant (Allah’s annihilation) and this was a revelation to his mother that he was to live in accordance with Hoo and His Doctrines. Being Allah’s friend Bahu’s had heavenly experiences through his mother’s spiritual guidance. As the book states a person who does not know Islam could suddenly learn how to recite Islamic teachings as soon as he saws Bahu’s (Page 9).
This book also highlights the advantages of ‘Farq’. They are teachings that guide one spiritually in attaining Vision through the acquisition of The Divine hindsight and Knowledge (page 13). For example he writes that Allah has the ability to select anyone and show him the wayâ€'' especially those that embrace Him.
Further his writings encourage people to give thanks to Allah alone because He is the only one that can help them (page 15). Page 19 of this book focuses on the advantages of having the Ilm-e-Dawat at heart alongside Surah Muzammil.
Sulatan Bahu explains its benefits as follows. One whoever recites it by following the steps mentioned correctly the Dawat is initiated immediately. Two Prophet Mohammad’s Sacred Soul will visit him immediately with the promise of no separation from his Sacred Being until the end of life.
Three a significant feature is seen in The Divine Spiritual and fulfilling Presence.
Anyone who recites the Surah Muzammil as per the steps mentioned alongside the understanding of The Spiritual Presence conquering all worlds victoriously will be the results.
A first time reader definitely gets enlightened while reading the book kashf ul asrar. Starting from the first page to the end there are different educative and spiritually nourishing Spiritual teachings. Thanks to Mr. Zaheer’s translation we are able to understand these teachings and have spiritual life. A teaching that will keep ringing in your mind is when he teaches that a real Muslim is who use a tongue to make all Muslims secure all the time (page 40). Lastly we should have a deeper understanding of Allah’s teachings and learn more about him every day (page 42).
Kashf ul Asraar English
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