deewan e bahu farsi

Before stepping on to the teachings and theme of this absolute masterpiece by Hazarat Sultan Bahu you need to understand the mechanism of spiritual writings and books.
For a seeker to understand the teachings of his master s/he must have an unbearable thirst for spiritual growth and liberation. Without having a blazing desire to reach the pick no climber will be able to reach and feel the serenity of the mountain.
You should know that almost all spiritual writings are written symbolically by the awakened masters. You must take your heart near the heart of the writer to understand what he ultimately wants to convey.
Heart-whelming Spiritual Book: Deewan e Bahu (Farsi) by Hazrat Sultan Bahu
This beautifully written book Deewan e Bahu of spiritual poetry contains deep teachings for an individual who has started the journey of spirituality. A seeker must know that spirituality has no relationship with religion origin or specific organization. Instead it is about seeking and reaching the ultimate source from which this universe has manifested.
For centuries people are naming the ultimate source with their understandings language and feelings. Some call it God some prefer to call it Paramatma and some bow down to it by chanting Allah Hu Akbar. It is like calling the same person with different nicknames.
In the book Deewan-e-Bahu the poet calls this supreme power Allah and devotes himself to Allah almighty. He renunciate all worldly attachments in the love of Allah. He says that there is nothing more important than Allah almighty because he is the one from whom we all manifested.
A seeker needs to endure a tremendous amount of pain while walking the path of love and devotion to meet the almighty. This is not possible for people with no truthfulness in their hearts for Allah. Just calling yourself a Muslim Hindu or Christian would never lead us to the ultimate source. Seekers need to feel the pain of this separation day and night with their hearts full of joy.
It is not needed to worship anyone except the almighty himself because only he is complete and without any flaws. We need to burn our ego and self-citation because this is the biggest burden for a seeker. Sometimes we are so attached to this world we forget who created it. When we are ready to play the game of love sacrificing ourselves for Allah only then do we become the true spiritual seekers.
All seekers need to understand what the poet meant by sacrificing themselves for Allah. He needs us to burn down our ego all the knowledge we have gathered from this fake world and pride. The poet tries to convince us that ego of ‘I’ is the biggest obstacle on the path of a seeker. He said you are a drop of semen and yet you say ‘I’ ‘I’ ‘I’.
We always had Allah with us but we never tried to see him. We are blinded by our pride ego and greed. We need to destroy this ego of ‘me and mine’ facing great anguish and pain to be able to behold him. This is the path of love and it is painful. You must listen with the truthfulness of your heart and then set your step on this path.
Deewan e Bahu
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