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هرکه طا لب حق بود من حاضرم     ز ابتدا تا انتها يک د م برم    طا لب بيا طا لب بيا طا لب بيا    تار سانم روز اول با خدا

hazrat sultan bahu books
abyat e bahoo برہانالواسلین  شہبازلا مکاں  سلطان العارفین  سلطان الفقر مرشد حق   سخی سلطان   شہنشاہ   مرشد نورالہدی   حق با ہو   قدس سرہ العزیز
abyat e bahu شہنشاہ دوجہان  محبوب رب العالمین  احمد مجتبی  نوراللہ  محمد مصطفی  صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم  کے نام     سروری قادری سلسلہ محبوب سبحانی حضور غوث اعظم حضرت شیخ سید عبدالقادر جیلانی قدس سرہ العزیز کا اصل سلسلہ طریقت ہے
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aqal e bedar

aqal e bedar

aqal e bedar AQAL E BEDAR

The word "Aqal" basically means wisdom and the word "Baidar" is defined as Enlighted or attentive. The book Aqal e bedar is a splendid source of intelligence wisdom and perception for its readers.

This book is the writing of a famous Sufi scholar poet and historian of Mughal era "Sultan Bahu". He wrote a number of books on the topic of spiritualism and Islamic mysticism. His renowned book "Aqal e bedar" delivers an understanding of spirit thinking Ashab e Kahf (people of cave) remembrance of Allah righteousness cure of sickness of heart and Satan (Devil).

Those who read this book with full attention and heed will be able to get closer to Almighty Allah and would be devoted to Him. This will give them an insight into the incident of ascension (Miraaj) of Prophet Muhammad (صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ) in heaven.

After reading this book readers are able to develop an ever-lasting companionship with all Holy Prophets Sufi saints the Holy messenger of Allah Prophet Muhammad
(صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ) and Asfia who the purified and high-ranking personalities.

This book is a guidance to the atheists and the deceptive people who abandon the Marifat (spiritual knowledge) of Allah.

A physical knowledge of making wealth (gold and silver) known as Ilm e Kimiya Akseer is elaborated in this book. The readers of this book are entitled as Laa-Yuhtaaj (self-sufficient) and Shams ul arifeen (sun of saints). Hence this book allows its readers to become self-sufficient in this world and the world hereafter. The wise person utilizes this knowledge in helping the orphans and poor people to remove poverty and hunger. Apart from Ilm e Kimiya Akseer he will also be endowed with the knowledge of Holy Quran and knowledge of righteousness and thankfulness.

Aqal e bedar is a representation of the grace and Beneficence of the most Merciful entity Allah.

A person who reads this book with his full consciousness will be relieved from the concern and worry of this temporary world. He will be filled with the power of faith and trust. All the short-comings and weaknesses of the true believer will be vanished.

Even if a Christian or Jew read this book with his full consideration it will turn him into a Muslim. This book will fill the dead and hollow hearts of the disbelievers with the light of Allah. He will then avoid committing sins and will ask for forgiveness from the Lord.

This informative book is also termed as the" strata of grant of Fazal " and" Faiz conductor Transcript". This is due to the reason that the wisdom given in this book will shower the compassion and Mercy of our Creator Almighty Allah.

This book teaches us to gain vision of Allah by spiritually enlightening their souls with devotion to Allah Almighty.

The teachings of this book will help the readers achieve the rank of Qutub and Ghaus (chief of all the blessed saints).
In a nut shell we can say that this book is a gift and bounty of Allah Almighty for His seekers.

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