Creating MySQL Database and User
Learn How to Create MySQL Username and Database
Creating a MySQL database with cPanel, which is included in all of SiteGround's hosting plans, can be easily accomplished. In order to create a MySQL database on your hosting account, you need to log in cPanel. This can be done by either using the Go to cPanel button in the Customer Area ->My Accounts section or by entering one of the following URLs in your web browser:
Click Here to watch Video tutorial how create database in cpanel

In order to create a new database you need to enter the desired name for the database in the New Database field and click on the Create Database button as shown below:

A confirmation screen will be displayed, informing that the database has been successfully created:

You can click on the Go Back button to return to the database management screen.
Now Add database username and password and click create user

Click Submit to save your MySQL username.
Now add your created database use to your created database select both and click add

You will be redirected to a screen where you will be prompted to choose the desired privileges. It is advisable to select All Privileges and click on the Make Changes button:

Using the MySQL Database Wizard
All of the steps above can be accomplished using the MySQL Database Wizard. Click on it and you will be guided trough all steps that you should perform in order to successfully create a new MySQL database and add a user to it.
Click Here to watch Video tutorial how create database in cpanel