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sultan bahoo

هرکه طا لب حق بود من حاضرم     ز ابتدا تا انتها يک د م برم    طا لب بيا طا لب بيا طا لب بيا    تار سانم روز اول با خدا

hazrat sultan bahu books
abyat e bahoo برہانالواسلین  شہبازلا مکاں  سلطان العارفین  سلطان الفقر مرشد حق   سخی سلطان   شہنشاہ   مرشد نورالہدی   حق با ہو   قدس سرہ العزیز
abyat e bahu شہنشاہ دوجہان  محبوب رب العالمین  احمد مجتبی  نوراللہ  محمد مصطفی  صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم  کے نام     سروری قادری سلسلہ محبوب سبحانی حضور غوث اعظم حضرت شیخ سید عبدالقادر جیلانی قدس سرہ العزیز کا اصل سلسلہ طریقت ہے
sultan bahu poetry
sufiana kalam
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sakhi sultan

ain ul faqr

ain ul faqr

ain ul faqr A most popular book by Saint Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo a poet scholar and historian from the subcontinent. ain ul faqr's meaning is The Soul Of Faqr and Faqr is the way of reaching closeness to Allah. Among 140 writings of Sultan Bahoo ain ul faqr is the most known which wraps its readers in love and devotion of the almighty Allah himself. Among 140 books only 31 are available for us. ain ul faqr describes spiritual lessons to all the seekers of Allah despite they are on Initial Mid or utmost level to keep them firm on their beaten paths(straight path). Allah who is lord of worlds who is eternal and everlasting. Who is all-merciful and omnipotent. No human can lay eyes on God until judgment day but reading and learning from this holy knowledge will surely bring you closer to him. This book brings every child of Allah close to him and gives them a new and spiritual vision of the world. Reading ain ul faqr with full respect and focus will pour benefits and knowledge upon the reader.

Learn the true meaning of life and religion by reading this beautiful book. Sultan Bahoo utilized the verses of the Quran heavenly.

Reading this marvelous masterpiece with true faith and devotion can elevate its readers to a new level of spirituality. Leaving the material world behind and surrendering your soul to Allah for treasures and honor for closeness to Allah can be very easy with the help of this book. Sultan Bahoo suggests to you the righteous ways and keys to reach this honor in life. The person who reads this with true devotion and good intentions to find the reality of life will surely be blessed with everything he is looking for.

Does not matter what religion you come from or on what level of spirituality you are you will always be accepted to get closer to the almighty. Ain ul Farq will enhance you as a person and will protect you from distractions of the material world. Ain ul Farq is an incredible blend of prose and poetry to understand spirituality lessons. Reading it will reveal many secrets of your life to live more righteously. Though it is not possible for a person to seek knowledge and find his/her inner Allah without proper surrender to the almighty himself. Sultan Bahoo has written this masterpiece holy book to give guidance and instructions to the seekers of Allah. You can get to know more about the almighty Allah in this well-written book of Sultan Bahoo. Sultan Bahoo's poetic teaching keeps the readers stick to the book. This is a good first step for those who are looking for freedom from material bonds.

Reading to ain ul faqr will start to see light shed on important paths to become a Faqr. ain ul faqr is not only considered as the soul of a Faqr but also the soul of Islam.

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Get guidance for spiritual way