darbar sultan bahoo

Millions of visitors from different places flock to this shrine to receive inward and outward blessings. Having said that, most people still ask this question
Why do millions visit the Darbar Sultan Bahoo?
Right, apart from this shrine being one of the great tourist attraction sites, there are many benefits associated with it, which we will learn from this article.
You cannot also mention the Muslim spiritual history without mentioning the Darbar Sultan Bahoo. But why?
Here are a few things you should not forget concerning this shrine of Sultan Bahoo.
The location of the Shrine of Sultan Bahu
This popular Sufi shrine was originally built where Bahu’s gravesite was but was later relocated to Garh Maharaj. It happened when one of 5 major rivers in region of Punjab, known as the Chenab River diverted its course.
Specifically, this sultan bahu darbar shrine found at Tehsil Shorkot, Gar Maharaj district, Jhang, the Punjab region of Pakistan. That is, 30º 50’0” North, and 71º54’0” East.
This Sufi Shrine has been relocated twice.
The town of Gar Maharaj where the haq bahoo darbar popular shrine is found is estimated to be 17, 38, and about 65 kilometers of Shorkot, and Bahadur Shah, and Azam Chowk respectively.
You might be asking where people spend their time during festive seasons after visiting the Bahu’s. Here are Hotels and Restaurants near this amazing Shrine.
Now that millions of visitors flock frequently to this shrine due to its popularity, where do they spend their time before going back to their home places after the visit?
Here is a brief list of Hotels and Restaurant near Darbar Sultan Bahoo.
Why Are There Millions of Visitors to the Shrine of Sultan Bahoo?
Most people visit the shrine when they are commemorating the death of Sultan Bahoo. This happens annually during the Urs festival: The death anniversary festivals.
The visitors also believe they will receive inward and outwards blessings that cannot be numbered while in the Sufi Shrine.
Also, ordinary people are believed to receive guidance through dreams after visiting the shrine.
The visitors testify of experiencing spiritual relaxation while in the Shrine of Sultan Bahoo which radiates great spiritual attraction.
Final Thought
The Darbar Sultan Bahoo is one of the sites that enrich the Muslim’s history. It believes to offer a great spiritual relaxation atmosphere.
Visiting this great and popular Sufi Shrine will never be a waste of time.