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Best way to get Spiritual power from Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r)

If any one translate Haqbahu ® books in Arabic language from Urdu / Persian and submit in

Will Get Spiritual Power from Haqbahu ®

It is TRUE as There are TWO Evidences to prove this claim which follow as under. We are also Quoting some extracts from The Noor Ul Huda Kalan Book wherein Hazrat Sultan Bahu ® himself has indicated as 'How one can get Faiz (profit/Spiritual Power) from him directly.'

First one is as Follows:

Hazrat Faqeer Noor Muhammad Rh. has said

As up to my best knowledge he is reported to have said:- Hazrat Faqeer Noor Muhammad Rh. has said that he used to repeatedly copy/translate the Books of Hazrat Sultan Bahu ® in the daytime and whatever spiritual state stage and ethereal phenomenon which was written in the Book he used to gain all that spiritual state/stage the very night (means the same night)


Dr. K.B. Naseem Sahib acknowledges

Dr. K.B.Naseem acknowledge that when ever I translated Hazrat Sultan Bahu ® Books by my self he always gave me spiritual power for the translation

Both above translated Hazrat Sultan Bahu ® Books for people to get faiz / spiritual power from Hazrat Sultan Bahu ® through his Books Reading

So if you translate Hazrat Sultan Bahu ® Books and put/submit in then you will get spiritual power from Hazrat Sultan Bahu ®

As both steps are required to get spiritual power from Hazrat Sultan Bahu ® as mentioned above in both experiences

  1. Translation of Books
  2. Provide people to read

In Books Haqbahu ® says: œ Dar Elahi khola hay anye kay lia na aie to wo baniaz ha (O Lord door is left opened if one comes if not He is the Etnernal)

If you are interested to translate Haqbahu ® Books in Arabic then contact us at we shall add your translated books in our web and you will get Spiritual power from Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r)  even you translate one book

Yours truly
09:42 22 April 2013 (CDT)

Hazrat Sultan Bahu / Haqbahu ® books in Arabic language
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